Call For Proposals








Call for Proposals

You’re invited to submit a talk for CONNECT 2020, Women Who Code’s premier technical conference. CONNECT 2020 will include 800 of the industry’s most influential leaders, engineers, and more. The conference will be held on Oct 31, 2020 in San Francisco, CA.

Women Who Code is changing the face of tech, creating a more diverse, equitable, and inclusive industry, and helping women connect with professional opportunities that level up their careers. CONNECT brings this work together in our annual developer conference.

CONNECT 2020 welcomes speakers from around the world to share their stories as they explore cutting edge technologies, platforms, and frameworks. Join us for in-depth panels, technical workshops, keynotes, and actionable advice on advancing your career.

Questions? Email us @


San Francisco

@ Mission Bay Conf Center

Oct 31, 2020

What We’re Looking For


  • Engineering and technical know-how
  • ProTips
  • Work processes


  • New technologies
  • Technical innovation across industries
  • Other topics important for engineers


  • Building leaders for a better industry
  • Career advancement
  • Best practices for inclusive engineering teams
WWCode is looking for dynamic speakers working in technology who want to share their expertise. We aim to have speakers that represent the talent and rich diversity of our community.

The goal is to share technical and soft skill experiences with technical leaders, software developers, product managers, designers and other technologists. If you use a specific language, your talk should be understandable by good developers, even if they don’t know the exact language syntax (short snippets or pseudo-code are totally fine). Attendees will be able to take away changes that can improve their day-to-day jobs.

Don’t be afraid to bring up advanced stuff and even try your hand at live demo-ing. Tracks will include: AI/ML, DataScience, Mobile, Full Stack, Blockchain, Security, Cloud, and Python

Submissions by professional and first-time speakers are welcome. If you have an awesome idea, submit it! We will be happy to give you the necessary feedback to make sure it matches audience expectations.

Talk Formats

Talks: 35 minutes

Lightning Talks: 5 – 10 minutes

Hands-on Workshops and CodeLabs: 50 minutes and longer

Share Your Expertise

Deadline to submit: Feb 15

Talks are accepted on a rolling basis. Submit early to have the greatest chance for feedback and acceptance.

We believe that our industry is better when everyone has a voice. We take our Code of Conduct seriously, and encourage those of groups traditionally underrepresented or marginalized in technology to apply.

Speakers must be 18+